Cheshire Scouting Newsletter – 12 April 2020
Cheshire Scouts NewsletterLet’s Get Scouting! |
April 2020 – Edition 2, 12.4.20 |
Let’s not forget the AdultsWithout adult volunteers there would be no Scouting so it’s really important that we continue to support all adults connected to Cheshire Scouting. We also know that some of you are keen to continue your Woodbadge training so the County Training Manager and her team of Local Training Managers have created a number of courses they plan to deliver online with local support to validate training. The courses can now be booked on the County website at Courses currently on offer are; April
Scouting for adults continues in Cheshire.Book your place on a course today! |
Quiz TimeThis week we tested our technology on a quiz for Leaders. This week we are planning to test a refined version based on feedback with the intention of making a weekly quiz available to anybody in the County who wants to join in. Watch this space. |