Cheshire Scouts News – 8 March 2021

Date: 8th Mar 2021 Author: Dave Hopley

Cheshire Scouts News

Spring feels like it may just about have sprung as we enter March! Here’s an update from Cheshire Scouts.

Ready for your next challenge? An open call for volunteers to join Team Cheshire

There are several exciting opportunities for volunteers to join Team Cheshire.

We are recruiting for these roles via an open call process. This means that, rather than individuals applying for specific roles, we are asking individuals tell us about their relevant skills and experience so that we can determine whether they might be suitable for one or more of the roles we think we need.

We welcome applications and nominations from all areas of our communities. In particular from currently underrepresented within the team, including; women, disabled people, as well as individuals from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities.

Key dates

The closing date for applications and nominations is 1 April 2021

The main selection process will be held w/c 12 April 2021.

Further information:

Please click to download the Team Cheshire Vacancy Pack.

We are looking for people to take on roles in the following areas:

Senior Team Leaders:

  • Deputy County Commissioner x3 (People, Programme, and Perception)

Team Leaders:

  • County Communications Manager
  • Scout Active Support Coordinator – Activity Centres

Subject Matter Specialists:

  • Assistant County Commissioner – Community Impact
  • Assistant County Commissioner – Section Support x2 (Beavers and Scouts)

Advisers and Team Members:

  • County Safety Adviser
  • County Safeguarding Adviser

Executive Committee Members:

  • County Treasurer*

*Appointment to this role would need to be ratified by Cheshire County Scout Council at the Annual General Meeting.

Submit an Application
Make a Nomination

Getting Back Together Safely

Following an announcement from the National Youth Agency (NYA), we’re pleased to say that face-to-face meetings in Cheshire can restart from Monday 29 March.

  • From 29 March, we’ll move to Amber, with Groups allowed to meet outdoors in group sizes of 15 plus leaders (5 maximum).
  • From 12 April, both outdoors and indoors meetings will be allowed in group sizes of 15 plus leaders (5 maximum).
  • From 12 April, you’ll be allowed to take part in non-residential day trips and visits.

The Scouts and NYA are still working with the Government on longer term plans for camping and larger group sizes but we expect these to be introduced steadily throughout the summer. There will though be no international Scout trips before 1 January 2022, If you have any trips booked for 2021, Unity have produced a blog to understand how you can claim for your trip or reschedule.

Please continue to follow all COVID-19 restrictions while meeting with your group. If you’ve had an Amber risk assessment approved by your District, this will still be valid – but we’d encourage you to review your risk assessment before meeting again.

If your Amber risk assessment hasn’t been approved yet, we’d recommend you complete one this month, detailing risks for both indoor and outdoor activities. Don’t forget that before meeting face-to-face, all adults will have to have their mandatory safety and safeguarding up to date.

You can view full guidance on the ‘Getting back together safely’ pages.

International Women’s Day

Today is International Women’s Day, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the 2,000 girls and 1,200 women currently in Scouting in Cheshire. Click here to read An interview with Ellie Simmonds. The 2021 #IWD2021 theme is #ChooseToChallenge

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Ask the Adviser Q&A, Saturday 27 March

The Scouts section advisors will be providing you with ideas, answers and practical knowledge to help deliver amazing programmes.

Marking St George’s Day safely

St George’s Day is an important part of the Scouts calendar; for many people, it’s an opportunity to renew the Promise together. With restrictions still in place, we need to think differently about how we can mark the event this year. Check out the first of the activities here. You can find additional guidance on what you can and can’t do here.

Cheshire Youth Forum helps to shape National programme

25 members of Cheshire Scouts Youth from across the County met last Sunday to contribute to Chamboree 2022 planning, Explorer Scout communications and helping to shape The Scouts programme at this critical time.

Amy Butterworth Programme Design Manager for The Scouts said;
“Thank you so much for having Niall and me at your County Youth Forum on Sunday. That group is so impressive – thoughtful, passionate, ambitious, clever – and we really enjoyed meeting them. We have taken loads of notes, and are sharing them with the team so we can ensure the Cheshire youth voice is in our heads when we create”.

Get ready for Cheshire Hike 2022

If popping to the park no longer feels exciting, you may be ready to venture a little further and head out on your first (local) hike. If you want to step it up, get prepared with our six top tips ?

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Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls