Cheshire Scouts Newsletter – 17 May 2020

Date: 17th May 2020 Author: Dave Hopley

Cheshire Scouts Newsletter
– 17 May 2020

Incredible Home Scouting in Cheshire
Over the last 8 weeks of lock down you will have seen lots of examples of Scout activities taking place in families homes and now we have the statistics to prove just how amazing Scouting in Cheshire has adapted to the “lock-down” measures.
95% of Scout Groups in Cheshire have offered some form of Home Scouting
55% of individual sections have offered programme activities.

To support those section Leaders who are struggling to provide home Scouting we now have a new service – “The Big Cheshire Share” where we are linking those with the technical skills and those with the practical skills with those wanting to provide more home Scouting for their Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Explorer Scouts. You can more details here;

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We have to remember that the current COVID-19 is still only 8 weeks old but the County Training Team have made amazing progress at developing online training sessions and then delivering these sessions online to support Leaders through their training. Currently over the last 8 weeks 167 participants have taken part in sessions with a further 289 already booked on sessions over the coming few weeks. Demand is so high that additional courses are being added all the time so keep checking the training section of the County website. The picture shows the training team scheduling more online courses.

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Mandatory Training

Last weekend Cheshire received the devastating news that it was one of the 30 worst performing Counties in the UK in relation to leaders completing mandatory training (Safeguarding, Safety and GDPR). In terms of risk this puts us in the RED ZONE and therefore decisive action is now required to eliminate this substantive risk. An action plan has been agreed with DC’s and from Monday 18 May there will be a communication plan to contact all those required to complete this training to offer support and assistance to complete this training within the following 7 days. Where this fails to result in the required training being completed one final reminder will be sent and where this fails to motivate an individual to complete the required training then unfortunately the process to cancel appointments will begin.
There are only two ways we can move the risk out of the RED ZONE, people either complete the required training or unfortunately leave the movement. Clearly this is not what we need or want so we are appealing to people to positively respond and complete the required training that over 60% of Leaders in Cheshire have already done.

All of the required mandatory training can be completed online and they take between 20 & 40 minutes to complete.

GDPR (Mandatory Training for all Leaders)
This training is completed using an online training module at the end of which you print the certificate of completion and send it to your local training manager or direct to the County Training Manager; [email protected]
Click here to complete this training.

Safety (Mandatory Training for all Leaders)
This training is completed using an online training module at the end of which you print the certificate of completion and send it to your local training manager or direct to the County Training Manager; [email protected]
Please allow 14 days for it to appear on your Compass record.
Click here to complete this training.

Safeguarding (Mandatory Training for all Leaders)
This training can be completed online at the end of which you print the certificate of completion and send it to your local training manager or direct to the County Training Manager; [email protected]
For those preferring a face-to-face course these will now be presented online To book your place on one of these courses visit the County website training pages to latest availability (more courses are being added to meet demand).

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Scout & Guide Orchestra

Calling all talented musicians in Cheshire, it’s time to think about joining the National Scout & Guide Orchestra next year.

To wet your appetite the orchestra has produced this “lock-down” performance and in this short video you can get an insight into what you could be part of next year.

Featuring 94 musicians from across their 2019 and 2020 participants, led by both of our conductors, Leon Gee and Neil Wright, they present a performance of ‘The Gang’s All Here’ by Rodney Newton, originally written for the Scout Centenary in 2007.

The full performance can be viewed here:

NSGSO and NSGCB 2021
Finally looking ahead to 2021, they have announced that they have secured the prestigious Coventry Cathedral for their main concert, which will coincide with Coventry being the UK City of Culture for 2021. It will be a spectacular joint concert with both the Symphony Orchestra and Concert Band on Saturday 7th August 2021.

Apply Here

Explorer Belt 2021 – Iceland

Applications for Cheshire Scout’s EXPLORER BELT 2021 – Iceland are now OPEN! To move to the next stage apply online by Sunday 7 June at 21:00.

Apply Now!

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls