Cheshire Scouts Newsletter – 27 June 2020

Date: 27th Jun 2020 Author: Dave Hopley

Cheshire Scouts Newsletter
– 27 June 2020

Getting back together safely
The Scout Association has released the strategy for commencing face-to-face Scouting in the future with a clear “traffic light” system indicating what type of activities can be organised in line with government policy. Currently we at RED level essentially meaning only online activities and this includes adults in Scouting meeting together.

Any essential maintenance of buildings, campsites must really be essential and must be approved by your District Commissioner (DC), including a risk assessment approved by your DC. Remember if it looks like Scouting, sounds like Scouting – it is Scouting.

Before any section or group can safely run an activity Leaders have a responsibility to produce very detailed risk assessments that need to be approved by your Group Executive and then approved by your DC. There is a webinar about the process Thursday 2 July 2020, click here to register.

Clearly lots of people want to get back to some sort of normal, but we have to do this safely, taking into account the concerns of Leaders, parents and young people. The process of approving any activity when it’s safe and allowed is going to be time consuming, creating a significant amount of additional work for DC’s. Therefore PATIENCE will be required by everybody. There is no rush and I echo the words of Tim Kidd on the all-leader call recently when he said now is the time to “be kind to each other”.
If you have questions about getting back together safely, you need to contact your DC.


Many congratulations

To all those Leaders who have used “lock down” to progress their training and we are very close to awarding our first “lock down woodbadge”. What a story it will be tell in years to come about gaining a woodbadge in “lock down”, those who achieve it will be members of a very exclusive club.
The numbers are a stunning 924 individual woodbage modules completedsince we started the online delivery of training at the end of March.
In addition 620 people have completed safeguarding training and 580 have completed the safety-training module.

A massive well done to the County Training Team who have been delivering training modules most days and have adapted the training to become online. Thank you to the leaders who continue to take part in the training and for your kind comments to the team – they really appreciate it and it is very rewarding for the many hours they are dedicating to supporting the delivery of training.

Sad News

You will be aware that over the last few months there has been a very significant campaign to make sure all adult volunteers are compliant with their mandatory training requirements. Unfortunately a number of people are simply refusing to complete the required training, which brings our organisation into disrepute. Next week a number of final reminders will be sent out and if the required training is not completed a number of our colleagues will have all their Scout appointments cancelled over the weekend of 10-12 July 2020.

Every effort is being made to avoid cancelling appointments but those who have avoided this training (sometimes for years) should be in no doubt that if you do not complete the required training your appointment will be cancelled.


Congratulations to Chester and Mid-Cheshire Districts who ran the AGM’s online this week, which means most District and County, have now completed their AGM’s. Groups are urged to complete their AGM’s without delay as this is a key part of our governance arrangements.

These will of course need to be online and if you need help with the technology please contact your DC.

Scout Pride 2020

Scouts welcomes everyone, regardless of gender identity or sexuality. To celebrate the inclusion and diversity we’re so proud of, we’re holding #ScoutPride 2020 – fun activities, thought-provoking discussion and practical support.

Join us online this week:


There are a number of new processes being put in place around how we deliver safe Scouting in the future. Please note this is not about the COVID-19 situation. To support Leaders there are two webinars that you might find useful, GSL and line managers should regard these events as essential learning for the future.

How to do things Safely
Thu 9th July 2020  7:00pm – 8:00pm

Keeping young people safe is our primary aim in Scouting. Having fun, doing adventurous and new things comes a close second. This means we are always looking to review and improve the guidance and support for members in keeping Scouts as safe as possible.

This webinar will cover upcoming changes related to written risk assessments, supervision of free time, activity approval process and the provision of intimate care for young people and vulnerable adults who may require it. We will talk through the changes in this area and you will be able to ask questions.

This webinar will be particularly relevant for: Group Scout Leaders, Group Chairs, Section Leaders, District Commissioners (or assistant/deputies) and any role related to safety.

Further details and the booking link can be found by clicking here.

Having the knowledge you need to keep everyone safe – Changes to training
Mon 13th July 2020
7:00pm – 8:00pm

Keeping young people and adults safe in Scouting is everyone’s responsibility. Therefore, making sure that everyone has the right (and most up to date) training, support and guidance to help them to do this and take any action required is really important. Everyone needs to know where to go for resources and support and be able to comply with our policies.

There will be changes to the Safety, Safeguarding and Getting Started training format and content, as well as changes to the training requirements for roles and the frequency with which ongoing learning needs to be updated.
More information will be shared on here soon about the upcoming changes providing the detail and opportunity for you to feedback your views. We will talk through the changes in this area and you will be able to ask questions.

This webinar will be particularly relevant for: Training roles, Group Scout Leaders and Group Chairs, District/County/Area/Region Commissioners and Chairs (or deputies/assistants). Appointment Secretaries and Appointment Committee Chairs, Safety and Safeguarding roles.Further details and the booking link can be found by clicking here.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls