Cheshire Scouts Newsletter – 8 November 2020

Date: 8th Nov 2020 Author: Dave Hopley

Cheshire Scouts Newsletter
– 8 November 2020

SciJam 2020
We are delighted to announce that Liverpool University Scout and Guide Society’s Science Jamboree is back for 2020. We might be entering Lockdown 2.0, but Covid can’t stop the University’s annual SciJam event! This year, although they won’t be able to host groups on campus, they have exciting plans for the Science Jamboree to take place.

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“Speak out on Children’s rights, with Outright”

OutRight campaign (Unicef UK) a special series of events for all Explorer Scouts in Cheshire

Click here to watch ‘Welcome to Outright’ with Cel Spellman

The sessions will be delivered by our Explorer Scouts Team. Explorers will engage in the project throughout each week, probably on a Friday evening. On completion, Unicef send a completion certificate to each young person and it will validate the “values” section of each Young person’s Platinum or Diamond Chief Scout Award from the International, Community & Values (ICV) list. Places are limited to 50.

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Science for Scouts

Cheshire Scouts has teamed up with a very special individual to help Leaders deliver amazing science experiments at home as part of our blended approach to supporting young people in these challenging times.

Lorelly Wilson MBE Hon. Professor Promoting Science & Engineering, University of Chester, will be presenting an inspired session for Leaders demonstrating science ideas you can use as part of your programme. This could be working towards a science badge or an evening of science.

Thursday 12 November, 7pm -7:30pm via Zoom
There are 30 places for Leaders on this session.
You must pre-book your place using the link below after which you will receive joining instructions. Places will be allocated on a first come basis.

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Halloween Competition Winners

Well done to Luke from 13th Warrington East, George from 1st Moore and Jessica from 14th Widnes.

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Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls