Cheshire Scouts+ August 2018 Edition 2

Date: 9th Aug 2018 Author: Dave Hopley

Chamboree 2018 making memories

In this second edition of Cheshire Scouting+ focused on Chamboree 2018 we are focusing on some of the very special memories created at Chamboree.

Tim gets his QSA

Tim Walker, Scout Leader 7th Warrington was presented with his Queens Scout Award by the Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire, David Briggs MBE K.St.J, the Queens representative for Cheshire and Graham Phillips, County Commissioner. Tim has been connected with Scouting from when he was a Beaver and was a participant in Warrington Gang Show for many years. He is now a teacher and delighted to have achieved the highest award in Scouting.

Sam Wood has an unbelievable experience

In Sam’s own words

“As part of Chamboree 2018, each sub-camp had the opportunity to see the sights and sounds of Liverpool. One of the highlights of the visit for me was at the Anglican Cathedral. Not only is it an awe-inspiring piece of architecture, but it also houses the UK’s largest pipe organ. As I play the organ, this was of special interest to me. After speaking to one of the stewards about it, I was introduced to Lee Ward, the Director of Music at the Cathedral, who talked me through the five ‘manuals’ (keyboards), 200 ‘stops’ and 10,268 pipes. To my amazement, he then allowed me to play a piece from memory on the organ, and he even put in the pedal part for me, as playing in walking boots on the UK’s largest organ is definitely not to be recommended! I am very grateful not only to all at the Cathedral for making the visit so enjoyable, but also to all those at Chamboree 2018 (and my leaders of course!) for organizing the Liverpool scavenger hunt, a welcome change of scenery from the Cheshire Show Ground.”

Cheshire Young Carers

On Tuesday of Chamboree we hosted 50 children from Cheshire Young Carers for the day so they could have a break from their various caring roles. Some of the children have challenging home lives and Cheshire Young Carers provides vital respite support to allow them to be children occasionally.

The children who attended had a fantastic time which their feedback shows
Did you like the range of activities at the Chamboree? Yes: 100%
“Thank you again @CheshireScouts for making it such a special day for everyone”

BSO (British Scouting Overseas)

Chamboree hosted and supported a large number Scouts and Leaders from around the world. Next year they have their first full unit going to the WSJ in America and decided to use Chamboree as a preparation camp, something they have never done before. When they started sharing information about Chamboree other members of BSO found it irresistible so they formed another contingent of just over 100 participants. They represented over 20 different countries and clearly had a great time.

“What a great experience it was for BSO – without exception the young people thoroughly enjoyed their camp and being part of the family of Scouting. Thank you to you and your team for the support given to BSO – it made a huge difference to the leaders and young people.” Peter Dawes, Area Commissioner, British Scouting Overseas

And then there was Bear Grylls…

Many participants got close to Bear Grylls on his flying visit to Chamboree including out WSJ units who managed group pictures with the Chief Scout.

Cheshire Scouts+ August 2018 Edition 2
Cheshire Scouts+ August 2018 Edition 2

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls