Cheshire Scouts+ July 2018

Date: 10th Jul 2018 Author: Dave Hopley

The official Bear Grylls in Cheshire Day

The Chief Scout, Bear Grylls, will be spending most of Sunday 29 July in Cheshire at two very large events. Firstly he will be dropping into Chamboree to meet participants, take part in some activities and face a grilling from young people in a Q&A session.

Bear will then go to CarFest North to meet more Scouts and take part in a world record attempt to get the most people wearing a Scout Necker in one place. So if you are going to CarFest don’t forget your necker and be part of our world record attempt.

It’s a BEAR in CHESHIRE day!

OSM Free for a Year

At the County AGM the CC announced that funding had been received to provide OSM free to every section in the County and that discussions were being held about future years funding. The original intention was to provide the Gold version but following discussions with Groups in the County who currently use OSM it is clear that Gold+ is required. Therefore additional funding is being released to provide this version.

Negotiations with OSM continue but final details on how Groups access this support will be published in late August. If you already use OSM you are advised to continue with your subscription and take the free version from next year – you will not miss out.
Each District is in the process or organising Super Users to support those Groups who are new to OSM.

This is all part of a Cheshire strategy to support every Group in the delivery of programmes to young people, to reduce the administration burden on Leaders and to provide information to each section to help them deliver Scouting locally. Macclesfield & Congleton District has declined the offer of this financial support and will provide OSM from their own resources.

CarFest is looking for volunteers

Cheshire Scouts is already providing around 80 volunteers to support this event and there are few places left if you are interested (and not attending Chamboree). When not “on duty” you get the opportunity to visit the attractions, watch the bands etc. You can attend for the weekend with camping or support us on a daily basis.

For more details see And to sign up now, click here:

Freemasons Support Scouting

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire Freemasons has extended an invitation to any member of Cheshire Scouting (over 18) to join them on a trip to London to visit Freemasons Hall, a unique and imposing building in the heart of the city. This offer includes coach travel from Cheshire, a guided tour of Freemasons Hall and a presentation by Tony Harvey on the similarities between Scouting and Fremasonary. Tony is long service Scouter and a Freemason who takes an interesting look at both organisations with his own brand of humour.

The event is on Saturday 18 August 2018
Coaches will depart from a number of locations around Cheshire
Cost: £30 (to help cover coach costs)
Time: Depending on departure point but likely to be around 7:30am
To book a place or for more details:

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls