The Explorers Team
Cheshire’s Assistant County Commissioner (Explorer Scouts) leads a small group of County Team members with skills and knowledge in programming, award work and the Young Leaders Scheme. Together with the support of the Deputy County Commissioner (Programme), they are the core team responsible for supporting the provision of Explorer Scouts in Cheshire.
District Explorer Scout Commissioners and Administrators are individually responsible for their own district’s provision and this group is headed up by the ACC, supported by the Cheshire Explorer Scouts Team.
Details of both teams can be found below.
Cheshire Explorer Scouts Team
Amelia Riley
Assistant County Commissioner
(Explorer Scouts)
Cheshire, UK
[email protected]
Carol Frain
Assistant County Commissioner
(Top Awards)
Cheshire, UK
[email protected]
Click here for awards information
Diane Blurton
Emma Williams
County Explorer Leaders (Young Leaders)
Cheshire, UK
[email protected]
Click here for Young Leaders information
District Explorer Scout Commissioners & Administrators
Each district is made up of Commissioners and Administrators who provide leadership, management and knowledgeable support alongside specialised areas like programme, adult support, safety and communication. They are in charge of looking after all Explorer Units in the district and so can help you find other units to join activities and be there to give advice or take feedback.
Click on the buttons below to view contact details for each District Explorer Scout Commissioner and Administrator.
Click here to find your nearest Explorer Scout unit and others in your district!